Boards & Committees

Township Board
Supervisor Jerry Hale
Clerk Monica Burtt
Treasurer Ronda Benedict
Trustee Mark Anderson
Trustee Carlton Blough
Trustee Andy Vander Ziel
Trustee William Thompson

Committee Application Form

Meet the Supervisor

The Supervisor is our chief elected official. Responsibilities are very similar to that of a city mayor/city manager, and involve interaction with all the aspects of Township government as well as representing our Township within other community groups. Requests and receives bids for Township merchandise and services, monitors zoning and land divisions, and acts on complaints and violations of local ordinances. Also responsible for preparing the annual budget. The Supervisor presides at meetings of the Township Board and is the Township's chief officer.

Meet the Clerk

The Clerk's office is at the heart of Township operations. The Clerk is responsible for all Township records. The Clerk's office tracks Township bills, including water and sewer bills, issues checks for Township bills, monitors payroll, prepares the Board's agenda and minutes, oversees the voter files and elections, and much more.

Meet the Treasurer

Treasurer Ronda Benedict is responsible for the daily tracking of the Township treasury. This includes collecting taxes and monitoring the Township's agreements with the library, Lowell Area Schools, and other governmental units.

Meet the Trustees

Four trustees are elected to serve for four-year terms on the Township Board. Trustees are responsible to attend Township Board meetings, and to be familiar with the information that's given to them in advance of those meetings. Trustees may also serve on various committees, research and report to the Board on various issues currently under discussion, or represent our Township in the larger community for specific purposes. Trustees are the legislative part of Township government, and must vote on all issues before the Board. Trustees have a fiduciary responsibility also; they must see that the Township is run on sound financial principles.

Appointed Boards and Committees

Because there are so many aspects to Township government, there are several citizen volunteer commissions and committees that assist in gathering information and making recommendations. If you are interested in serving on any of these, please call the Township office at 897-7600 during business hours. Most of their meetings are in the early evenings. Currently the citizen volunteer commissions and committees include the Planning Commission, the Zoning Board of Appeals, the Board of Review, and the Parks Committee.

Planning Commission
Planning Commission reviews and recommends changes to the zoning ordinances for adoption by the Township Board of Trustees. The Planning Commission also reviews special land use applications, construction site-plan applications, and reviews and updates the Township master plan.  Planning Commissioners are appointed by the Township Board for 3-year terms. 

  • David Simmonds, Chair 
  • Mark Batchelor, Vice-Chair 
  • Greg Forde, Secretary 
  • Ronda Benedict, Board Representative 
  • Bill Genovich, Member

Board of Review
Board of Review members are appointed to two-year terms, with each term beginning on January 1st of an odd numbered year.  There are no term limits for these members.  The Board of Review is required to meet in March to hear assessment and classification appeals.  The Board of Review may also be required to meet in July and/or December to correct clerical errors or hear Principal Residence Exemption appeals.  

  • Sandy Graham
  • Nancie Mathews
  • Jennette Stevenson

Parks Committee

The Parks Committee meets the First Thursday of every even month at 7:00 pm.  Interested citizens are encouraged to attend.
2024 Meeting Dates:  February 1, April 4, June 6, August 1, October 3, December 5.

  • Brandon Sinclair, Chair
  • Jennette Stevenson, Secretary
  • Jerry Hale, Board Representative
  • Mark Anderson, Board Representative
  • Bill Genovich, Planning Commission Representative
The Zoning Board of Appeals

The Board of Appeals acts upon the questions arising in the administration of the Zoning Ordinance, including interpretation of the Zoning Map and the text of the Zoning Ordinance.  Decisions and actions of the Board of Appeals are limited, in scope, by State Law and court decisions and all decisions of the Board must meet legal standards which are presented under Zoning Ordinance, Section 30.6 (a) – (d).

With these guidelines in mind, the Board in its deliberations must determine that the facts of the case satisfy ALL FOUR of the legal elements to grant a variance.  It is the responsibility of the applicant to present information adequate to meet the legal requirements for the Board to grant a variance.  Such things as financial hardship, neighbor opinions, and aesthetics are not cause for a variance approval unless ALL FOUR of the legal requirements are met.  Variance standards are high and variances are difficult to grant.  Please consider your case carefully in the context of the ordinance requirements.

The five citizens who serve as ZBA members are appointed by the Township Board for 3-year terms. One member must also be on the planning commission. Another member may be a member of the Township Board.

  • Greg Forde, Chair & Planning Commission Representative
  • Mary Jo Bieri, Vice-Chair
  • Dave Hoogenboom, Secretary
  • William Thompson, Board Representative
  • Aaron Kaeb, Member